Business interruption insurance

Shop Insurance

If something such as a fire, flood, or storms occurs and renders your business unable to trade then you’ll be losing money. This not only effects your business’ profits, but also your ability to pay your employees and any bills and fixed costs – such as rent, utilities etc.

Business interruption protects you if your business has lost money due to an unexpected event leaving business unable to operate. Specifically, it covers any income lost in these events.

Business interruption isn’t a cover that can be purchased as a standalone, rather an optional cover that can be added to your policy if you have contents insurance. You’ll pay for this cover as part of your overall price if you choose to add it.

What does business interruption cover?

What’s not covered:

What is a business interruption indemnity period?

The business interruption indemnity period is the period when your business activity has been impacted, starting on the date the damage. The maximum indemnity period will vary depending on the event you’re insuring against since you’ll need to consider how long it takes to get back on your feet – from day 1 right through to business being back to normal.

Business activity refers to the different activities that your business carries out to make money. These activities will vary depending on your occupation.

How much does business interruption insurance cost?

Business interruption insurance is an optional additional cover that can be added to your business insurance package. This cover has a minimum premium of £50.

To find out how much your policy will cost you can get a quote – plus, get your quote online and save 10%* off the cost of your policy.