STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Taxpayers who are eligible for the School Tax Relief (STAR) credit can now officially opt into the direct deposit instead of staying near the mailbox each month in anticipation for a check.
“STAR Credit Direct Deposit is the fastest and easiest way to receive your STAR credit payment,” New York State Department of Taxation and Finance Acting Commissioner Amanda Hiller said. “The statewide launch of this program builds on a successful pilot of the program in Nassau and Suffolk counties last year. It works hand-in-hand with other changes we’re making to improve the STAR program for homeowners.”
The STAR credit offers New York homeowners some reprieve on property taxes, with up to hundreds of dollars available for those who enroll, depending on eligibility requirements.
To apply for the STAR credit, you must be a homeowner of one of the following, according to New York State Department of Taxation and Finance website: