This page details registering to vote or updating your voter registration by mail-in application. To learn about the online voter registration application, visit Complete Your Registration Online Through the DMV. Read about the ways to register to vote at How to Register.
If you are a North Carolina resident, you may use the voter registration application to:
Failure to complete a required field will slow your registration.
Voter registration applicants must provide, on their registration form, an identification number required by federal law: a DMV-issued ID number or, if they do not have one, the last four digits of their Social Security number. If they lack both of these numbers, they must check a box on the form confirming that. The registration form cannot be processed without this required information.
If the application is complete and you meet all qualifications to vote, the county board of elections will mail you a voter registration card. This mailing is non-forwardable and serves to verify your address. If the U.S. Postal Service returns a card as undeliverable, a second mailing will be sent. If the second mailing is returned as undeliverable, the voter registration will be denied.
If you submit your application form before the voter registration deadline for the next election, you should receive your voter registration card within two weeks. Contact your county board of elections if you do not receive your voter registration card.